We have received several phone calls about the high late fees for funeral directors and embalmers renewal license. You the funeral director and embalmer are responsible for making sure you get your renewal fees paid on time to the State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers. You are also responsible by law to get your ten (10) Continuing Education Units for each renewal. If you don't get them in on time you will pay dearly. On the back of your renewal application it states:
"If not renewed by the expiration date, your license will be invalid and you cannot practice until it is renewed or reinstated. Renewal can be made up to 60 days after the expiration date by payment of the renewal fee plus a late fee. More than 60 days after expiration date, the license may be reinstated by submitting a new license application and fees and passing the state law test.
Proof of continuing education compliance should be submitted in a separate envelope to Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers, 500 James Robertson Pkwy., Nashville, TN 37243-1144. INCLUDE YOUR LICENSE NUMBER ON ALL DOCUMENTS."
This means that if license fees are not paid by the expiration date you will need to pay:
$275 Funeral Directors License
$275 Embalmers License
$200 Penalty Late Fee for each license
All license and late fees must be received within 60 days of license expiration date you will need to submit for a new license application fee and pass the State Law Test.
62-5-601. Continuing education requirement for licensed renewals. --
(a) Every licensed embalmer holding a Tennessee license shall submit with the renewal application evidence of satisfactory completion of a continuing education program in mortuary science approved by the board.
(b) Beginning January 1, 2000, every licensed funeral director holding a Tennessee licensed shall submit with the renewal application evidence of satisfactory completion of a continuing education program in funeral directing approved by the board.
(c) Each licensee holding a Tennessee license shall submit with the license renewal application satisfactory proof of completion of a minimum of ten (10) hours of continuing education coursework approved by the board. Compliance with the continuing education coursework is mandatory for renewal of a license. Of the ten (10) hours of continuing education coursework, five (5) hours must be attended in person. For purposes of this subsection (c), "attended in person" means the continuing education coursework is completed by the licensee in the physical presence of the provider of the coursework or is completed by the licensee through an interactive virtual program that requires participants to confirm their presence during the program.
(d) Any licensee sho is sixty-five (65) years of age or older or who has held a licensed continuously for ten (10) years on or before October 1, 2000, shall be exempt for the continuing education requirements in this chapter. In such licensee is disable and is not practicing either funeral directing or embalming is exempt from the continuing education requirements set forth in this chapter.
(e) The board, for good cause, shall have the power to excuse licensee from the continuing education requirement set forth in this chapter.
(f) Continuing education credit(s) may be obtained by attending and participating in continuing education courses or workshops approved by the board.
(g) No continuing education hours from one (1) licensing period may be carried over to a subsequent licensing period. (Acts 1997, ch.275, Section 2.)